Add a description...NOTHING MORE SCARY TO BE ALONE...… At least me... the curtains on the window are rectangular selections set with a gradient... (5 years and 325 days ago)
Add a description...The lightbulb source was provided for this contest... the moon was done using a circular selection.. filled with b and w... some layer effects... (5 years and 462 days ago)
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO 1,2,3 you scored like a killer ! congrats
author says:
I was lucky.... I though you were going to get a first place... your entry was good, your idea was superb... and your work was just astonishing... your colors your idea… was so good that I gave a favorite.... thanks my frien, for bringing such beautiful work and ideas.....
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The two light sources on the horizon should match is a reflection of the other. And shouldn't the dark squares have dark edges, and the light squares, light edges?
Good work. I like.
Thanks and nice to see you here... again....
You have great style
Congrats for third place, very in the actuality
Thanks Lolu....
Congrats George
Thanks Sizo....
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: