I agree with solkee.. also, the spherical droplets would have highlights (just like the edges of the choco car have).. Now your droplets look flat.. good luck
Very nice base effect,major chocolate part is amazing,and well done for that,but u have to work more on droplets...made them to leak all over the front part,over the car sign,and maybe even on the street and create some puddle there,it would be shame that u great effect like this u don't exploit...and also,maybe u could use some color adjustment layers...good luck
author says:
Solkee, goobymook, hsbee, and erathion Thank you for the critique! I think I have made it quite a bit better, I changed the highlights and lowlights as well as the droplets so that they looked a little more realistic. I also wanted more variance between drops so that they weren't all identical. I also added a few color adjustment layers and a vibrance layer.
The whole time I was working on this my step daughter was eating a giant bar of dark chocolate (for a visual aid ).
Unfortunatly I did decide not to go with a puddle under the car at this time, however I'm not giving up on it. I've just been at this one picture for 15 hours and I need to take a break and think. Personally I'm ecstatic at how well it has turned out at this point
Nicely done. One suggestion would be to make the dripping more random, it looks too uniformed at the moment.
I agree with solkee, maybe have the drips larger, too. other than that, it looks like real chocolate syrup! yum!
I agree with solkee.. also, the spherical droplets would have highlights (just like the edges of the choco car have).. Now your droplets look flat.. good luck
Very nice base effect,major chocolate part is amazing,and well done for that,but u have to work more on droplets...made them to leak all over the front part,over the car sign,and maybe even on the street and create some puddle there,it would be shame that u great effect like this u don't exploit...and also,maybe u could use some color adjustment layers...good luck
Solkee, goobymook, hsbee, and erathion Thank you for the critique! I think I have made it quite a bit better, I changed the highlights and lowlights as well as the droplets so that they looked a little more realistic. I also wanted more variance between drops so that they weren't all identical. I also added a few color adjustment layers and a vibrance layer.

The whole time I was working on this my step daughter was eating a giant bar of dark chocolate (for a visual aid
Unfortunatly I did decide not to go with a puddle under the car at this time, however I'm not giving up on it. I've just been at this one picture for 15 hours and I need to take a break and think. Personally I'm ecstatic at how well it has turned out at this point
Nice Work, but i think that you can improve the drippings more. They still look quit flat. GL
It`s nice but maybe if you put a tong to the car can be funny !
Nice job auther
awesome! looks much better, and even yummier before! ....i think i'll go into my chocolate stash now and....indulge... ;D
good idea
You're not too anonymous when you just used the same source image in a previous contest. This is the ONLY picture you had of your car?
Congrats for second place ! Miam...
Howdie stranger!
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