Gaussian Resonance - created by arkncheeze

Gaussian Resonance
Favs: 0SBS: 28Hi-resRank: 3/18Score: 59.1% (25)16789 views

Well I think I went overboard... But I loved the headphone stock... Wanted to use all, but could use only 4 outta 12...

But using the same person/ model does bring good consistency in this template...

Yes, I made it in a template, but it's a a mock template, coz it's not in the actual size...

Based on a 3 piece girl modern/soft rock band called "Gaussian Resonance" XD

There are some white line between the covers... Those are not border but rather gaps..

The top most leaflet is the double type fold able front cover...

The middle leaflet in the inlet cover...

And the bottom is the back cover and the cd itself...

Oh man, did this took lot of time... Editing the pic was fast... It was the text and lay outing that took away most of my time... Now I know why people want huge pay for lay outing lol...

The font I use is mentioned in sbs... Also the headphone link provided leads to a zip file... It's a pack... I didn't find separate images... So if you want to validate my source, you have to download the zip file...

Also permission is show in sbs as well...

Hope everyone enjoys this template...

View in High res to be able to see the song list properly...

And very much thanks to these person...

Thanks to da ~xopion for his awesome mockingbird guitar shot...

Thanks to da ~Lina-Tsu for her gorgeous and sensual guitar playing pic...

And most thankful to da =TwiggXstock which is the really the bulk of my template... XD (5 years and 3854 days ago)

4 Sources:

go to arkncheeze's profile