(5 years and 2969 days ago)
- 1: niniel stock
- 2: mimustock
- 3: by marjoleinART
- 4: cgtextures.com
- 5: cgtextures.com
- 6: sxc.hu
- 7: by nekrosys
- 8: by nekrosys
(5 years and 2969 days ago)
(5 years and 3178 days ago)
Might want to add some glow from the flames, otherwise it's a great job!
Beautiful work.... good imagination and creativity.... good luck!
The dragon is wonderful
Beautiful dragon, amazing work on the wings
Harry POTTER!!! hehehe.. (sorry, there's just been a bazillion of commercials on TV with Harry Potter.. LOL) Great JOB!!
wonderful work... The flames needed a little more work... Still goes my fav
Now that your dragon acts in battle, very great. It's quite strange to me that your dragon has no ... hand, because the rest looks like the common dragon, except that part. The flame is too straight, that' why Anoop said you need to work more on it, I guess. Also, since this flame is strong, you should see the light on the wall and the soldier. The background looks great, too, but if the color is opposite to the dragon (such as orange, red, etc) , you'll get a better effect. Best of luck to you
thanks all for the comments..
>Minh (Langstrum)..hehehe...I really forgot about the hand and no time left to reedite it, ah you are completely right about the light on the wall, I should had noticed it ...! that was really my bad...yeah I think I should had changed the color of the BG too....thank for your comment.
ongratulations, Dek!
I meant Congratulations LOL
wow congrats! cool dragon you have there!
Congrats on the 3rd place..
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3315 days ago)
wow fantastic
super cool work!
is there more sbs coming or am I missing something ? it's a great piece but I can't see where you made the overall body parts.. like the boots and body shell.. is it all from the fire hydrant?
very good
Great image, loving the big gun!!! I just wish you had more steps in your SBS. As Drivenslush says. There's no real way of telling us how you made this, a few lines pointing at source images doesn't help But nicely done anyhow
Fantastic work author...chess figure face fits perfectly...well done
Amazing! I love it!
Author, terrific work, there is one little piece in the sky (middle of image, near the top) that has a small straight edge, you might like to look at it
Sorry, looks like you've just popped the face into a previously made image & then just stuck the chess piece in the foreground.
machine gun looks unfinished.
> madamemonty,....ahhh...yes,...the piece..! it must be the 'remaind" of the building I tried to mask (step 2 and 3 on the SBS) thanks....
> drivenslush,.....the body shells were painted with dodge and burn tools ( poooh....this is the first time I did most painting on PS,...it was hard,..really time consuming but fun,...I spent it with 5 packs of cigarrette and poppies hehehehe....)
> CMYK,.....I have to say that no pre made pic for the face....thanks....
EDIT : the piece was cleaned.....:bow1b)
Very cool, good luck!
Wow, awesome!!
Wow..so you started drawing in PS. Good keep going.. It's a nice creation.
Scary guy
Congrats......nice entry though.
Congrats Dekwid!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3347 days ago)
This is fantastic ! I like it alot
Nice concept, author. Is there a source for the ghost on the ship? and one for the paperclips? Also, an SBS would be great.
Edit: Aaah, yes, now I see from your sbs where you got the paper clip and round shape, funny that I never noticed those before - very resourceful and clever, author. The link to the brushes didn't really show that ghost, so hard to know unless we download them. I do like how you made the 'rope-work' on the ship's sails, nice overall image.
Perspective on wings is wrong...far wing should be larger. Good idea over all, but I think you need more source links and/or a good SBS.
thanks you all.
>pearlie,...the ghost is from the brush mentioned and the paperclips were made from the custom shapes in PS. Please see the SBS....thanks.
Very nice image author, really like it! Have to agree with CMYK46 about the perspective on the wings, you might want to change that.
Great looking flying machine
very nice looking image good luck
Nice feeling entry........Good Luck Author.
Very nice fantasy art work, this is my favorite type of art, and you did this well = )
Great image, hey its fantasy dont worry about the wings
Very very nice work author...gl
nice job
Congrats on your 3rd place Dek, I like this style and the story I can imagine behind it ^^
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(5 years and 3370 days ago)
LOL...they could use these as airport scanners.
That could be fun - or scary, Bob!
Good finds and nice fittin' together, author.
This is totally usefull and inventing this would make you afford buying the Moon.
Since the theme says "failed cellphones" how about making it the other way around: show naked chicks, all dressed up or something :-P.
hubba hubba betty betty nuggs!
wow i would like to have one of these...great work author...good luck
My 8year old liked this the most
Cool idea!
You sure won't be making many calls with it. GL!
Wait till they come out with the second layer button, then it will be a top seller.
I know way too many people who would buy this!
Congrats again!
Howdie stranger!
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go to dekwid's profile
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Very lovely entry!
my gosh this is pretty!
>Eladine...yes, sure it is..hehehe

>lavenderflower23,..yes I know...xixixixi
Howdie stranger!
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