This might not make you go "aaawww" but the sight of a child eating its first cake on its first birthday is often a true "aaawww-moment" (5 years and 3562 days ago)
she have a cute face , author you need to practice more on your coloring skills
author says:
Thanks. Actually - I was not very happy with the coloring, you right, it really needs some practice - having a hard time figure it out. I was at a point thinking about being satisfied with the scetch just before coloring.
And it happens all over the world, don't mind if you speak English, Portuguese, Japanese, French... It's sad, children aren't guilty for parents problems. Nice entry, author!
Creative touch! You could make the heart a lot brighter (the surrounding area is white so the reflections in the heart would brighten up the iron). There should also be some shadow on the heart created by the hands. Good luck!
"Nice" On my former comment??? haha... of course I meant "Thanks" for all the nice comments...Sorry ´bout that - but, that´s (write) first - think afterwards...
Imagine standing on the other side of the road (not nescesserly the same day the sourceshot was taken...) and this is what you might have seen... (5 years and 3646 days ago)
Should I work with the shadows.I have seen after I added the backgroundpicture that the shadow from the silouette doesn´t match. Also - Can I let the treeshadow at the house hit the silouette first? Please leave oppinion.
I like this one allot, only one thing. Looks like you left a bit of the original color on the silhouette of the man's legs. May be you added a glow, but that is the only place it appears. Nice job anyways. Good Luck to you
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
Agrees with doll mommy.
author says:
I tried to leave a little bit on the whole siluettesign so that it appeared to be the a winkle on the board. But I now see that it became more yellow by his side than hers.Unfortantly it is not editable anymore, but I understand what you mean.
It's a very simple drawing but actually very well done. GL!
EDIT: you first entry in a drawing contest I C?
author says:
I first draw on a A4 paper and then had to add a A3 - lack of space...But it got hard to do all the details that I wanted. In that case mostly lack of time. The scanner wasn´t good at all, so it came out very bright. Can I fix that in PS? Just so you can see the details better?
As far as I understand you may adjust the contrast to match the original drawing the best you can. Cropping and rotating are also allowed. Just no radical changes like adding color or layers.
she have a cute face
, author you need to practice more on your coloring skills
Thanks. Actually - I was not very happy with the coloring, you right, it really needs some practice - having a hard time figure it out. I was at a point thinking about being satisfied with the scetch just before coloring.
i think it is great!

Your daughter? She's very cute, and drawing is nice!
this is still a cutey pie Author
good luck
Very nice drawing
Congratulations, Sunita!
Congratulations for 3rd
Nice work !!
Thank you, all!!!

@eri: not the daughter, but inspired by photos of her that day.
Howdie stranger!
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