TRADITIONAL DRAWING: In this non-anonymous contest, your goal is to draw a self portrait. Set yourself in front of the mirror and draw a realistic version of yourself! Good luck!
Eventhough it's non-anonymous contest it is NOT allowed to post your name in the description and/or on the entry.
EDIT: april 30, 2010:
Furthermore: add a photo of yourself as an extra step in your SBS (this is an non- anonymous contest already). This will give voters something to compare.
04mehul: good suggestion it will be fun.( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
sunzet: Yeah....this i like ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I guess I better get to work since I suggested it ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
iquraishi: a creative way to see each other.. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
hereisanoop: I agree with iquraishi.... and i will try my luck in pencil... but tts hard to do with out ctrl+z ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
hereisanoop: I have a doubt now... do we need to add our photograph in sbs? ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @hereisanoop: good question; think it will be a good idea to add one as an extra step. Added it too the contest descriotion. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
ikrumon: This will be the greatest contest. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
MrsCooper: Can we include paintings? ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @MrsCooper: Traditional paintings are allowed ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
jawshoewhah: MRsCooper: any medium that is considered traditional (pencil, charcol, oils, watercolors, air brush, even pudding is fair to enter. Easier thing to remember is ifyou made it with a digital computer program, you can't enter it. I, myself, encourage people to enter more unique and not so commonly used mediums, especially oils. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
jawshoewhah: This is also something not so comonly known and Mods, take a note, for drawing contest specifics could use an edit: Although it's not mentioned in the specific drawing guidelines, you can make some basic corrections like crop, contrast adjustment, arbitrary rotation and healing brush (only to remove dust from scans) The object is to present your art so it resembles the original the best, and best presentable. It's probably not a good idea to do any more major editing than that. Drawing contest editing shoud be strictly for best presentation but don't hesitate to make a contrast adjustment if you think itwould look better. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
jawshoewhah: BTW, my original idea for this theme was to allow the omission of a source image (since it's safe to say your own photo is probably copyright free) and let people guess who you are, based on your skills. I'm just not too crazy about the being less anonymous factor. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
iquraishi: one of the toughest thing drawing and painting is a self-portrait.. I guess no one can deny it.. but this is cool.. I'm just waiting for the entries from my friends.. joshua, aqiil, vibeke, anna, nisha, nasir, sophia, erica and alot others.. Good luck everybody.. this will be the first time I'll be trying my self portrait.. so good luck to me as well.. ( 5 years and 3619 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Here's a link for some of you first attempting a self portrait for the first time: ( 5 years and 3618 days ago )
"Nice" On my former comment??? haha... of course I meant "Thanks" for all the nice comments...Sorry ´bout that - but, that´s (write) first - think afterwards...
^^ nice
awesome drawing , very well done
Great !
Great drawing and very very lovely girl...good luck author
nice drawing!!!
and this is what we can call a MASTER PIECE...... high marks and good luck
i love it....
You're very beautiful! Great technique =)
Amazing drawing, how the hell can anyone draw like this??!! :O
Extremely nice I really like your style
thank you so much guys
well done author ,very nice drawing
Great work!
Very good style of drawing.Good luck
Great drawing and it doesnt hurt you had a good subject to draw.
Congratulation in advance
. Very nice!
Awesome.......I can't say more but this is definitely goes into my favs.........

Congrats for your first place, Karol!
You're not only a brilliant photographer, but you also have great drawing skills!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats, lovely work
congrats for the win..........
Great work...youre very talented!
Great work...youre very talented!
Great work...youre very talented!
Howdie stranger!
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