Awkward - Drawing Contest [7 entries]

Study Session Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

TRADITIONAL DRAWING: What an indescribable yet powerful emotion awkwardness creates! And it is also a challenge to conveying it properly. And that will be your goal in this contest: to convey the feeling of awkwardness in any given situation of your choosing.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Suggested by: jackaloftrades

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Study Session - created by Chalty669

Study Session
Favs: 2SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 1/7Score: 59.3% (35)12146 views

Susan decided that it would be a good idea to start her and Ryan's study session early. Instead Susan found Ryan studying something completely different. (5 years and 3470 days ago)

the wrestler - created by viren

the wrestler
Favs: 2SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 2/7Score: 58.4% (30)12322 views

(5 years and 3465 days ago)

What could be more awkward? - created by itgik

What could be more awkward?
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 3/7Score: 53.4% (25)16330 views

My first drawing entry. YAY!

Was thinking what could be more awkward than a tightrope walking tortoise. (5 years and 3471 days ago)

Last time i saw her - created by simon0520

Last time i saw her
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 4/7Score: 53.4% (0)11190 views

would she cry? (5 years and 3469 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!saw, time, Last, her

akward part moment - created by Helllfire

akward part moment
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 5/7Score: 52.9% (0)9714 views

(5 years and 3479 days ago)