Made in photoshop.
Needed some anatomy references, but final design is all my own.
Please see in high res before you vote, thanks. (5 years and 3466 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Blood angel collects the blood from the devils to help resurrecting the good spirits...
I can't finish the whole piece as I wanted, so I just choose a part to do, really in hurry :(. I'll take a flight in some minutes, so I just try to finish this work, sorry for the lacking of SBS steps (5 years and 3466 days ago)
This is my daughter! Even though she is only one and doesn't look like your typical warrior, she's got a lot of fight in her. In fact I've had many battles with her. You could say we're at war. The ultimate prize is my wacom pen, iphone, TV remote, and goldfish crackers. I just recently purchased a new wacom pen due to a previous battle where she managed to ship the old one to the landfill. (5 years and 3471 days ago)
great to see u back with an awesome entry
Amazing entry author...well done
Really nicely done! Glad to see your work again.
Can only say an amazing work of art -- the facial expressions are great. the tension and fear in the male and maybe some disdain on the girls face
Great and wonderfull job . . . .
No words for this, absolutely fantastic o.o! You got a lot of talent.
WOW! Awesome work. Great to see your wonderful work again
Very nice work, great scene. There's still some time left, you could put some more detailing in the dragon, it looks a little less detailed than the figures. But a nice drawing anyhow!
Great stuff.Detailed work and so funny scene.Top notch.
nicely done. i love the whole concept. 
about time Author 
amazing as usual. Good to see your work again.
Awesome work... love it
This looks very professional.. If you aren't a 'pro' you should be!! Great job!!
Thank you for all the kind reactions, always appreciated.
@Ressiv: I should have put more detail in the standing creature, have to admit. But I simply didnt have the time that I'd have liked to spend on it. For possible future entries I should start earlier, maybe then it'll be better...
Again, thanks all!
Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing scene and very well drawn. Congrats! Great to see you participating again
Hope to see more soon.
Congrats Waz
fabulous work, love the expressions 
Congrats Wazo,great work and well deserved 1st place...
Congrats . . . . Great entry . . . .
Congrats! for your win.
Amazing work Henk.

congrats Waz
I've missed your work. Into my favs it goes!
Oh yeah...the master's back!
Great to see you again, Waz! Congrats on another awesomely awesome work!!! 
Howdie stranger!
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