TRADITIONAL DRAWING: In this contest your goal to draw a portrait of somebody in the most realistic manner possible, provide an image of the original, for comparison, and let us admire it! The realistic, the better! Good luck!
Toothpick134: I was just wondering if we are allowed to copy a drawing from another artist. Like this image: ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Toothpick, that would be plagiarism. I'm no mod but I'm guessing no. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: This is actually my specialty. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I wish they let copyright images slide this time. I'd rather do celebs. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
Toothpick134: Yeah.. I have 2 drawings of celebs and one a just done which is probably my best and it's a drawing that an artist Chuck Close did. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I have a bunch. I've done the whole Seinfeld cast. I'd show link but since I plan on entries I'll just share them later. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I'm sure I know the answer to this already but what the hell: Self portrait ok? Mods? ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
Contest Moderator: - Celeb drawings are allowed, using a copyrighted image as reference is allowed as an exception in this contest. BUT you still have to post a 2 steps SBS AND the link to the reference used. Without those your entry will be removed.
- Copying a drawing from another artist is not allowed, as Jawshoewhah says: this is plagiarism. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: yahoo!! It's on!!!! ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: And you wonder why I'm not a mod yet..... ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Ok, what if I don't have the original reference photo I used? I wanted to enter something I did many years ago and can't seem to find the original but I sure you could figure it out and I can recreate steps. What if I just used a similar photo to compare to the person I drew? Please let me know, thanks. ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Or maybe we could just exclude celeb pix sources for post. I mean, think about it? If they are a well known celebrity and the portrait is accurate and realistic, then we wouldn't really need a source, now would we? ( 5 years and 3384 days ago )
nishagandhi: wow this is going to rock!! ( 5 years and 3383 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Sorry Jawshoewhah we need the original references which where used that's one way we mods and members can see if an entry is traced or not. If we (mods or members) do find the original source while it is not posted the entry itself might already look fishy, hope you understand. ( 5 years and 3383 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I understand. It's ok. I could probably do better work now than I did 10 years ago anyways. ( 5 years and 3383 days ago )
Contest Moderator: When using a reference image do post the link to this image too ( 5 years and 3382 days ago )
gotmeamuse: just saw the copyright waver this time! looking for something way kewl now ( 5 years and 3380 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Um, what happened to the rabbi entry??? ( 5 years and 3368 days ago )
Momof4boyoboys: Well this is a shame that my entry was was decided that "it was traced" by some one who does not know what they are talking about...I have and will never trace anything in my life and it saddens me and makes me wonder how and who decides that this was not appropriate? I am an artist and this is best to all. ( 5 years and 3368 days ago )
jawshoewhah: My apologies to you for the Mods decision. ( 5 years and 3368 days ago )
creativefreedom: I feel it is just ludicrous what the mods have done to Momof4- I happen to know her personally, I know for a FACT that she is a "True" artist, an honest woman, with amazing talent. I was the one who introduced her to this site.
NEVER again will I ever recommend this site to anyone.
( 5 years and 3368 days ago )
gotmeamuse: Okay. This is this point Im not so sure I want to be participating here either. I am requesting that my entries be removed from this "contest". ( 5 years and 3368 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I'm glad the mods came to their senses ( 5 years and 3367 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Brilliant work!
I like the way you closed his the source pic it looks creepy.
author says:
Thanks for the comment Freejay! I also thought his eyes looked very weird...although when I have tried to blow a eyes probably looked like that (it was hard!) LOL
i'm honored.
and soooo surprised.
you made my day you really did. You are soooo talented author. and ... always surprising me. definitely in my favorites. I didn't see this coming at all.
*happy tears*
author [banned] says:
Yeah, I know. I was patiently awaiting your arrival.
Perfect work author...IMHO maybe the best in the contest...u did amazing work overall but the hair and the eyelashes are small master pieces...instant fav from me...
i keep coming back to this. gee i wonder why,. i don't think anyone has ever drawn me so well...i mean...i think you may have made me look way better than i really do.
the hair....i swear you made me have AWESOME hair. i still am in awe of this.
Jawshoewha, this wouldn't happen to be that sexy lady photographer you entered in the photo contest awhile back would it.
and nice second place by the way
author [banned] says:
Far from it, Glockman! No it's Jaded-Ink. Go see the SBS.
Yeah, I know. Bill Maher is on a lot of SH** Lists, just from making the movie "Religulous" alone. I think he's hilarious myself. We share a lot of the same views.
Author, u should for sure spare more time on drawings contest because u do that perfectly...this is awesome drawing with great details and cool captured moment...well done man...
author [banned] says:
Lamantine: See updated SBS for all art mediums used (With pictures)
Erathion I appreciate that very much! Comments like that one make me want to draw more.
Great job, author! That's a difficult expression to draw. I must confess that I even did an overlay in photoshop to check for tracing evidence. I'm glad it wasn't too good to be true!
A side note to whomever thinks overlaying a piece to check for legitimacy is a negative thing- I have flagged pieces in the past that were indeed traced and they were pulled. I don't tolerate tracing from my students and it has no place here. If you you want to trace, buy a freaking coloring book and some crayons! That being said, I'M GLAD this drawing is legit and I appreciate that greatly!
Author, I hope to see many more from you!
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Brilliant work!
I like the way you closed his the source pic it looks creepy.
Thanks for the comment Freejay! I also thought his eyes looked very weird...although when I have tried to blow a eyes probably looked like that (it was hard!) LOL
Definitely a competitor! GL!
Thanks guys
this is brilliant:O

fantastic work
Thanks Alexa!
omg you are so amazing at your art!
Fantastic, super realistic drawings author...Very well done
Your talent is in a class by itself, you have a gift from god! Just breathtaking!
Wow ! So real and photo looking.....GL
Ha! A lefty! I like the way you closed the eyes on the subject, author. Great work!
amazing !! gl
had to come back for more..........still wow
Put it in a frame and hang it in an art gallery good. This is truly stunning. Bravo!
This is what i call a Masterpiece... good luck to you..
Beautiful, an awesome work.
great work.....
Holy crap, I thought someone screwed up and entered a b&w photo in here. This is amazing.
Now this is very good, got one of my highest scores ever in drawing.
Good choice mods! Now I feel better about this contest again!
Congrats! You also rank 15th now in the 50 best drawing entries of all time on PXL
So big congrats!!
Congrats for your first place!
MOST TALENT I have seen, WELL DESERVED (to say the least)
Wow...Thankyou everyone!!!!!!
Congrats!! It is well deserved!
congrats, on the win but now we of course we want to see more. ---lol
Congratulations....well deserved.
Beautiful work, well done. Wish I could draw like that.
Congrats mom 'o 4
Congrats on placing first! And as Glockman said...More, please.
Congrats ...... amazing work.......... waiting for ur great entries .....
Congrats !!!! I'm still amazed that this is a drawing everytime I see it. Well deserved 1st.
JB much!
Fantastic piece, super details, congrats for 1st
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: