I have used 3B and 6B drawing pencils, black ball pen, eraser and a paper of slip pad.
(5 years and 2566 days ago)
i have used ball point pens,marker and pencil for this pic (5 years and 2570 days ago)
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I know it could have been a better drawing, but I was kind of in a hurry. :( anywayz I hope ou like the idea XD (5 years and 3296 days ago)
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mechanical pencil 0,7 on paper. (5 years and 3520 days ago)
wonderful cross hatch work!!! Good LUCK!!
I like this one, well done.
I don't know if very settle shadows under her legs would be too much to ask on this kind of hand drawing. But a very good work here, looks authentic.
Oh this is very well done, love the shine on the back and the crisp feel of the whole image
Neat drawing, Very well done
Absolute Beauty.....Good luck....Keep up the good work author...
yes, really nice bug, and nice details
Nice detail and well drawn
this image is awesome!
that is one scary looking bug! nicely drawn details and shading.
amazing work author
120 % realistic.
Congrats no surprises here quality image!
Congrats for 1st
Congrats, nice work
congrats, all your hard work paid off =)
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3607 days ago)
this is a good looking image, a sbs would make it better
@kefinice95 The text was just copied from a wikipedia article. It is only to show what a business letter would look like.
Author, your work it's very nice. But the business letter is an extra, and an extra is only for SBS...
i really like ur idea.. but if u could make it more ''electronic'' (coz it's for electic store) it would be my fav.
The E looks like the one in the game of pacman...Nice one but a little less on electronic store i guess...it doesnt apparently give an idea that its related to an electronic store...Overall a nice work....
I see where some of you are coming from as far as the electronic theme. I have to disagree that the logo has to look like something electronic. Circuit City, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Walmart, Nike all have logos that do not resemble their store. If you start to look at popular logos, almost all logos are this way. This is why I didn't add a plug or anything to my entry.
wow, very good actually
Howdie stranger!
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nice.. I really liked the the perspective and the CPs expressions.. kinda reminds me of the movie Rango..
The different perspective makes a lovely change. Love it!
different perspective!!! ya the bug on ground is bigger than the bird near the cam or eyes!! you have to make it reverse next time just think of it when you draw
Actually it is bird's shadow. The bird is not close enough so the shadow is small, If the bird was so near then it could be bigger than the bug. Thanks.
I don't wanna be an pain in the a*?!, but I think pikkar is right on this. Haven't you ever played with the shadow of your hands on a wall, by creating animal shapes, like a dog or a birdl? If you do so, you'll notice that the closer you get to the wall, the smaller the shadow of your hands is, the farer you are, the bigger the shadow. So in this case, the shadow of the bird should be bigger, the higher it flies... Anyway, I like your entry! Good luck!!
Thanks. I think, shadow's size depends on the light source. In this case The bird is neither close to the sun nor to the ground. You should observe shadow of a bird or a airplane flying over your head, rather than your hand playing
The example you have mentioned is totally different from this case.
Well observed!
Thanks for the discussion...
But then, if the shadow is produced by the sun, shouldn't be the shadow more blurry? If I look at the shadows of the trees in front of my house, they are blurry, I can't see every single leaf's shadow precisely... Anyway!
Howdie stranger!
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