Drawing Pictures: Have

results 1 - 5 of 5

Let's have fun... - created by theodosiou

Lets have fun...
Favs: 1SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 7/9Score: 63.6% (0)10865 views

Without any reference! (5 years and 2842 days ago)

avatar Rumi
Rumi says:

cool and fun character, good job author

Howdie stranger!
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oh you have a carrot! - created by kekskruemel

oh you have a carrot!
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 7/9Score: 64.3% (0)8003 views

(5 years and 3163 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

This would have been even cuter in color, but really well done none the less.

avatar alyssadanielle

love this! and i love the texture and feel of the image! good luck author!

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Ohh soo cute! Makes me want to touch them.

Howdie stranger!
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Have a Heart - created by gotmeamuse

Have a Heart
Favs: 10SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 5/9Score: 59.4% (15)11265 views

Acrylic on canvas, Messin with perspective under an Iron Maiden influence. Hope ya like it! (5 years and 3335 days ago)

avatar Momof4boyoboys

Wow.... what creativity!!! Never cease to amaze me!!!!!

author says:

Thank You! Its this place and you guys......

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

and a little iron maiden too i'm sure.
nicely done.
i love the insane smile on the guy.

avatar Drivenslush

wow.. looks like chalk drawing.. great job!!!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Awesome work my friend! GL!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Awesome work my friend! GL!

avatar dgcreations

Awesome work. Good Luck

avatar busmav
busmav says:

Amazing work author. GL

avatar arca
arca says:

Interesting! Not what I was expecting from the theme but very well done ... kudos and high marks for the style and for imagination!

avatar jacquie2blue

great work...

no avatar

good work author, and nice colour pallette....

avatar erathion
erathion says:

great job author...ultra cool humor and perfect execution...well done

avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

It's Eddie's brother Freddie! Nice drawing!

avatar Dillynation

Wonderful work my favorite!

author says:

Thanks! You guys rock! I am so glad to find people who support some of my not nice art as well as my puppy dogs!

avatar creativefreedom


avatar roon
roon says:

good wild job.

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

Killer --no really ,-- KILLER !

no avatar

Amazing Entry....G/L Author.

author says:

DANG! Thanks a ton!

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

WOW! Lots of great aspects of this!

Howdie stranger!
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"If i don't have red... - created by jadedink

"If i dont have red...
Favs: 13SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 2/9Score: 64.4% (30)23197 views

I use blue"-Pablo Picasso

"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. "
— Pablo Picasso

"There are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats."
— Pablo Picasso

no reference. no red paint. :P

Acrylic on Canvas (5 years and 3344 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

OMG! This is awesome! Instant fav author! GL to you!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

A ha!!

avatar jbillitteri

This is horrable ! I think you should pack this thing up and ship it to me and I'll properly dispose of it.......ON MY WALL ! Love it . GL ........ JB

author says:

thanks josh means alot to me

and JB...thank you so very much for that compliment. however, i doubt i part with it for disposal. *giggle*

btw...for a certain price, you could hang it on any wall in your home.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic drawing and painting author...i am speechless...very well done...instant fav from me

avatar erathion
erathion says:

And also...if he was alive,u would be competition to the great Pablo...

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

This is very nice!

avatar CrystleClear

Agree, this is amazing

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Frikin' Awesome entry, a great homage to Picasso.

avatar gotmeamuse

yeah.....i want it too

no avatar
ace90 says:

this is amazing. good job author.

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I keep coming back to it, it's so amazing!

avatar Momof4boyoboys

WOW...just amazingly awesome author!

avatar creativefreedom


avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Very very Good

avatar arca
arca says:

I am speechless (which is saying a lot)!

avatar vimal
vimal says:

very nice!

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Great work...very picassoish, GL.

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Yeah... and again...

avatar animany0000

incredible work................ GL author..

avatar jacquie2blue

one of the best

author says:

i'm honored. thank you all sooo much for all the lovely compliments.

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

So.... when U going to send this to me????

author says:

thank you all again for the votes and the support on my art. it feels good to get noticed for something like this....

This was a great contest, and a wonderful tribute to an amazing artist that has inspired me through the years. I'm happy i was able to do it justice.
and a sweep. that was totally unexpected. *blush*

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congrats for 2nd too

Howdie stranger!
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Birds do not have hands - created by niks1351

Birds do not have hands
Favs: 0SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 6/9Score: 53.4% (0)11110 views

This bird is eating food. We need hands to eat food but birds dont have hands....This was the first thing that came to my mind after reading "no hands"
(5 years and 3383 days ago)

avatar greymval
greymval says:

LOL good one!

avatar LKY
LKY says:

LOL tats tru....and I also know Its u bw really nice work.

Howdie stranger!
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