Faint-hearted boy, arise, and look upon her.
Speak, Lavinia, what accursed hand
Hath made thee handless in thy father's sight?
What fool hath added water to the sea,
Or brought a faggot to bright-burning Troy?
My grief was at the height before thou camest,
And now like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds.
Give me a sword, I'll chop off my hands too;
For they have fought for Rome, and all in vain;
And they have nursed this woe, in feeding life;
In bootless prayer have they been held up,
And they have served me to effectless use:
Now all the service I require of them
Is that the one will help to cut the other.
'Tis well, Lavinia, that thou hast no hands;
For hands, to do Rome service, are but vain.
-William Shakespeare (Titus Andronicus)
graphite on paper (5 years and 3394 days ago)
Very interesting interpretation, but of course, the clothing does not fit the poetry of a tale of ancient Rome...
Beautiful drawing ! My only suggestion would be to darken the shades if possible, your image is a little hard to see. GL !
I agree with lamantine just a littl emore contrast would finish the piece but none the less good idea and GL
Nice using of whites
Amazing piece author...very well done
Congrats for your second place!
Howdie stranger!
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