wet media brushes, faux finish brushes, natural brushes, dodge and burn tool and smudge (5 years and 3588 days ago)
Beautiful....good luck!
Can you feel the wind?... (5 years and 3599 days ago)
Beautiful....good luck!
Lots of personality! and very cute. I love that your character is way off center. The only minor thing I can fault, is the windmill, I understand that you're trying to show motion, with the blades being so faint, but since it's in a more cartoon style, it MIGHT help if it was slightly more defined. (just the blades) On first glance (before looking at the sbs) I thought it was a carrot.
Thank you so much for your comments and suggestions. Anna, you're right, this was the last step and I finish in hurry, I'll fix it soon. I see a carrot, too =))
nice entry.. really cool.. I like the execution and colors u've used.. its lovely..
wonderful ! perfectly executed
Lovely, she is so cute !!!!!
Fantastic...great job author
well done..GL
The cutest image ever ! Love it !
love this
Congrats for your third place, Langstrum!
Congratulations for 3rd
Thank you very much ^^
Howdie stranger!
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This is my first drawing attempt. I hope this one is done right.
I have only used hard and soft round brushes - standard with photoshop. To create fur i used noise and motion blur.
no outside sources.
FEED BACK WELCOMED (5 years and 3728 days ago)
so cute
Lovely,very good
Looks good, I like your fur effect, I will have to remember that. gl
too much blurred
Thanks everyone for taking the time for feedback. TemporaNigra as i have stated this is my first entry for drawing, BLUR is the method to create the fur.I would love you to expand on your comment so i can improve.
great work,gl
For a first attempt, you've done wonderfully well. What a clever way to make the fur! I really like this image. Now for the bad news. The edges of the fur are a bit too blurry. Try using a soft small brush, put it on smudge (between 75% and 90%. Play with it.) and go around the edges, pushing towards the center and pulling away from it, following the lay of the fur. This should make individual hairs, giving your critter an even more realistic look.
The expression is so nice I actually don't mind the blurriness on this so much, as it's not all over. Though it would be nice to have a lil more attention spent on the muzzle and ears, they seem a little incomplete compared to the eyes. Happy Drawing!
very nice
nice work! gl
Howdie stranger!
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Ever wondered how come your drinks are finished that quick?
Just used an HB pencil and an eraser. (5 years and 3739 days ago)
so cute
i hate to be criticle being that i dont draw, or can draw, but there should have been a light refraction where the tube goes in.. the hose wouldnt line up as it goes into the top and then viewded from the side... try doing this with a straw and see what im talking about.
I don't think you need to worry about the light refraction.. high marks from me.
I have to disagree with Ponti55. I think the porpous of a transparency drawing contest, I think, is to demonstrate your ability to draw a transparency and the way light is affected by it. Because light's ability to move through it is what makes it transparent. Without the refraction of the hose, you miss that. But other than that I love the image. The elephant is cute. I love your idea.
On popular demand I added a reflection, on my own initiative some shadows.
very nice
Congratulations for 3rd
Congrats for your third place, Rob!
hahaha nice one dude
Howdie stranger!
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Many facial expressions can mean different things....it is amazing how one expression can mean look one way to one person and look totally different to another.
This facial expression was made to be universal depending on the viewer...what do you think the expression portrays?
Is she sad? lonely? hopeful? wishing? or just plain upity?
You decide...I thought it interesting to see how each viewer takes the expression in their own mind...please comment on your opinion!
Used Pen and pencil only!! (5 years and 3797 days ago)
I interpret the expression to be one of self assurance or self confidence. Steadfast contentment with oneself. Nice work!
i think she can be sad, mostly because of the lips, very nice everything
arrogance comes to mind when i see the expression she kinda reminds me of the queen of hearts from alice... and sadness...
she just escaped her shell and is now free and very pissed off.. giggle snort.. great drawing.. pulling in tons of emotions... good luck+
the ornate frame is a nice touch
To me she looks like she's trying to hide her emotions. Like someone just hurt her feelings and she wants to look tough and not show she was hurt...good luck!
I love the image. Good luck!
Good drawing, great expression.
Howdie stranger!
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very cute..
Very sweet, and nicely done. love the expression. With the colors you used, it really does suggest that you're peeking in on a sleeping child.
very dreamy look -- very nice
Nice tender image.
Warm and lovable...
so sweet !
This is nice. Reminds me of my child Cory and his fluffalump.
good job
Thank you for your votes and comments.
Howdie stranger!
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