Draw a Clip-on Style Navigation - Illustrator Tutorial

Friends, are you tired of your navigation never staying up? Post-it note navigations lose their adhesiveness and fall flat, scotch tape navigation can tear up your background color and leave a sticky mess, and push pin navigations leave awful holes on your website! Now, you can have a tidy clip-on navigation that will stay up as long as you like with no messy glue or ugly holes left behind! All you will need is a copy of Adobe Illustrator, a block of wood, a doughnut, a ball of twine, three nails, a club sandwich, a bucket of ice, and a hatchet as sharp as the devil himself. - View Tutorial »

submitted: 5 years and 3356 days ago

Tags:drawing navigations style
Submitted by Giulia - 189 Views
Publisher: blog.boxedart.com

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