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1. Open original image in Paint Shop Pro
Go to layer, new raster layer, Call it "Gray Fill"
Set its materials as 'Paper Coarse' Scale of 250, Color Light Gray, Angle Default
2. Duplicate Background layer, name it "Glowing Edges", move it to top position in layers sidebar
Effect> Edge Effects> Find All
Image > Negative Image
Adjust > Hue & Saturation > Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Use settings -100 Saturation, Hue 0, Lightness +15
Set layer Blend Mode to Multiply, Opacity 15%
3. Duplicate background, name it "Sketch Layer", Move to top position in layers sidebar.
Adjust > Hue and Saturation > H/S/L
Use settings -100 Sat, Hue 0, Lightness 0
Adjust > Brightness/Contrast, Brightness 0, Contrast 22
Layer node > Darken, Opacity 100%
Adjust > Add/ Remove Noise/ Add Noise
Gaussian/ Monochrome / 15% noise
Layer> New Mask Layer > Hide all
4. Now, to make the sketch, simply scribble on this layer; using the brush of your choice. On the example I used a 'spiky twirling brush large' @75% opacity, size 50, 100% density, step 15 to achieve the darker areas. Then I changed to a crosshatch brush set @ 36% opacity, size 65, step 32 to obtain the lighter gray blended areas.
5. Make sure foreground color is white, and concentrate on the main facial features. Use a light touch, and /or very low opacity. Scribble loosely over all the 'required' parts of the image, changing direction to give it a hand shaded look.
6. Use lots of cross hatch scribble in opposite directions.
7. Increase brush size, and continue to scribble , keeping it 'loose'. In the hair, use an even larger brush size, and be more sketchy.
8. Finally, reduce brush size, use ti white at full opacity, to bring out the darkness (eyes etc)
9. Layers > Merge> Merge All
10. Adjust brightness and contrast to suite your taste. For this example I used 25/25.
submitted: 5 years and 3323 days ago
Two hearts intertwined! Perfect for a Valentine greeting! It's even dressed up with a lacy trim. You might call it faux rick-rack...but whatever it's called, it is super-easy to make! This Paint Shop Pro X tutorial will show you how to create the trim and the intertwining hearts effect. Use the finished image to create a Valentine, to frame a couple of photos, or maybe make a sig tag. Jump to Step 6 to preview image as a frame and Step 7 for a couple of other ideas.
submitted: 5 years and 3742 days ago
One of Paint Shop Pro's popular painting tools is the Picture Tube ....commonly called 'Tubes'. No drawing skills needed! Many tubes are designed to be used in much the same way as a rubber stamp. In this tutorial, we'll create this 'Summer Cottage' landscape painting with a few tubes you probably already have. Along the way, we'll show you a few artistic tricks to 'fine tune' your tubes to add more interest and depth to your painting!
submitted: 5 years and 3742 days ago
We will be creating the pretty kitty while learning to draw with the vector tools in Paint Shop Pro. This tutorial was written for those who are new to vector tools and each step is explained in detail. It may appear to be a very long tutorial ...but don't let that scare you away ....we'll only need a few shapes to create our pretty kitty.
submitted: 5 years and 3742 days ago
This tutorial will walk you thru the vector tools in Paint Shop Pro to design some unique and creative lettering using two, three or even more colors for each letter of the word. Of course you can create words where each letter is a different color by entering one letter at a time, but there's a much easier and faster way! Using PSP's vector tools, we can change the color of each character within a word or add a pattern fill to just one letter. We can also change size, shape and alignment.
submitted: 5 years and 3742 days ago
This is Part 2 of a Paint Shop Pro X tutorial creating an elf or leprechaun in the very popular Manga style of cartoon drawing. In this continuation of the tutorial we'll create the body and a shamrock. In Part 1 we created the head. See Chibi Elf, Part 1 if you haven't done that part of tutorial yet.
submitted: 5 years and 3742 days ago