An Introduction to Exposure Blending with RAW - Photography Tutorial

If you regularly shoot landscapes, you'll soon make a discovery that seems obvious when you think about it - the sky is much brighter than the land. This is a real problem when you're taking photos of sunsets, especially when the sun is still above the horizon. The sky is so bright that if you expose for sky, anything on land goes black. If you expose for the land, the sky is washed out and you lose the beautiful sunset that you set out to photograph. This tutorial will introduce the idea of exposure blending, combining two versions of a RAW image to correctly adjust the exposure in different areas. We'll be using two examples - a New Zealand sunset, and a stunning piece of Oxford architecture. - View Tutorial »

submitted: 5 years and 3570 days ago

Tags:blendings exposure raw
Submitted by Giulia - 191 Views

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