How to Take Better Pictures - for Beginners - Photography Tutorial

Photography can be a fun and exciting activity for all who have a passionate interest in learning some of the fundamentals of the use of their camera. Let's get down to the business of this article: First we’d like to discuss the use of the camera and its various controls. We are going to focus on the single lens reflex style of digital camera. In the old days before many digital cameras were around, many film cameras had a dial or turn knob usually on the top right hand side of the camera when viewing from the back of the camera to set both the (ISO ) and the shutter speed. - View Tutorial »

submitted: 5 years and 3213 days ago

Submitted by Giulia - 699 Views

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Great photo locations around Rome - Photography Tutorial

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Showing the movement: motion blur photography - Photography Tutorial

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How to Photograph Fireworks - Photography Tutorial

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Introduction to Waterfall Photography - Photography Tutorial

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submitted: 5 years and 2952 days ago

Pulling the Eye: Visual Mass and Composition - Photography Tutorial

In a world dominated by Photoshop, it’s easy to think that any mistakes you make when you take a photo are easy to fix in post-processing. In reality this isn’t true – especially when it comes to composition. There’s more to composition than the rule-of-thirds. You could write a book about it and still only dip into the deep well of knowledge acquired by artists and photographers over the centuries.

This article is about an aspect of composition that you may not have thought about much before – Visual Mass. What is this? Visual Mass is the principle that certain visual elements attract the eye more than others.

submitted: 5 years and 3213 days ago

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