Take Control of Tonal Blending - Photoshop-lightroom Tutorial

A blown-out sky is rarely pleasing in a color photograph. Although you may try every exposure trick in the book, it can be hard to avoid. In this tutorial, we’ll show you a cool technique for adding color and tonality back into an otherwise washed-out, lifeless sky. And you don’t have to make a precise mask. We’ll finish with a look at how the same technique can be used to create a spilt-toning effect similar to the one in Photoshop Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. - View Tutorial »

submitted: 5 years and 3732 days ago

Tags:blendings cameras controls raw tonal
Submitted by Giulia - 155 Views
Publisher: layersmagazine.com

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Now it's time to get down to the real work - developing your photos. To do that, we'll turn to Develop Module, which is the real workhorse of Lightroom.

submitted: 5 years and 3732 days ago