Bump Maps and File Formats - Poser Tutorial

It's commonly believed that Poser 4 cannot use a JPG as a bump map, but that's not true. It can. The problem is that a grayscale bump map such as Poser Pro Pack or Poser 5 uses looks really awful in Poser 4. The issue isn't the file type (.bum, which is actually just a renamed BMP), but with the bump map style. - View Tutorial »

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

Submitted by Giulia - 165 Views
Publisher: artzone.daz3d.com

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Create a Stunning 3D Liquid Explosion Artwork - Poser Tutorial

3D renders are often combined with vector elements and photostock elements to create stunning visual effects. While some artworks can be created merely in Photoshop, most designers are forced to call upon other programs in order to achieve truly brilliant effects. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a Poser figure, create a shatter effect and render it in 3DStudio Max, then use Photoshop and some simple stock images to create a brilliant and visually stunning water explosion effect. Even if you don’t have Poser or 3DSMax, we’ve included the render in a PNG format for you to play with, and you’ll still learn valuable techniques.

This tutorial covers many advanced techniques, but not to fear, as we will walk you through step-by-step how to create it. You’ll learn rendering, depth of field, dispersion, photomanipulation, and how to add the tiny details that all combine for a brilliant artwork. So, let’s get started!

submitted: 5 years and 3677 days ago

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Cloth Parameters and Their Effects - Poser Tutorial

Explanation of Cloth Parameters - for Poser version 5 or later.

Poser's Cloth Room has the ability to create extremely realistic cloth effects. Its simulations however use many parameters whose exact effect on the behavior of the cloth items is not always obvious. This tutorial should help clear up some of the most common questions and provides settings for some common fabric types.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Wrap It Up - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 7 as well as Posers 5 or 6

In this tutorial we'll explore two little-used features of the Cloth Room- constrained and choreographed groups- to wrap a bath towel around our model. Although this tutorial was built using Poser 6, it will work for Poser 5 or 7 as well, since the Cloth Room interface didn't change particularly from 5 to 6 to 7.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Introduction to Dynamic Cloth - Poser Tutorial

For Poser 7 as well as Posers 5 or 6.

Poser's Dynamic Clothing provides a great deal of realism for either still images or animations, but it can be a bit intimidating to get started using it. This tutorial provides an introduction to the Dynamic Cloth functions of Poser.There are three types of clothing that Poser uses.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Dynamic Cloth and the Walk Designer - Poser Tutorial

Dynamic Cloth and the Walk Designer - for use with Poser 7 as well as Posers 5 or 6.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Getting Started - Basics - Poser Tutorial

For Poser 7- also applicable to Poser versions 4-6 and Pro Pack.

Poser allows you to quickly and easily pose and animate people (and animals!)- but getting started can be just a bit tricky. This tutorial will describe how to use Poser's tools, Library and cameras to set up and render a scene.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Grouping Objects - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 7 and previous versions back to Poser 4.

People who are new to Poser often ask why it is that they can't group several objects together with the Grouping tool. A valid question, however the Grouping tool is utilized specifically for grouping polygons on props and body parts. Why and how one would do this is covered in other tutorials. Here we are talking about making an actual group of objects! Yes, it is possible to "group" objects in Poser. This group can then be scaled, rotated, and translated as though it were a single object.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Creating the Hair Image - Poser Tutorial

Creating the "Hair" Image Using Poser And Photoshop. For use with Poser 6 or 7 and Photoshop CS, CS2 or CS31.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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How To Create Block Figures - Poser Tutorial

For Poser 5, 6 or 7 and Photoshop CS, CS2 or CS3My series of block figures deals with themes on the disintegration and integration of man. The human form is portrayed within a series of blocks.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

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Simulating Isometric Cameras - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 7 as well as Posers 5 or 6.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to create isometric images or sprites from with Poser? Even though Poser lacks isometric camera settings, now, by following the steps in this tutorial, you can create them from within Poser.

submitted: 5 years and 3832 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 623