here I used the blue gumball as it was the only one not blurred and fully in view. I used warp and liquify to achieve the shapes, and hue and saturation to colorize the skin
step 2 of 7
Iused a blue gradient for the sky and used some really nice long grass brushes for the grass
step 3 of 7
Using the blue gumball again I used warp to create the mushroom. Then used hue and saturation to colorize, finally using the dodge tool to make the white spots.
step 4 of 7
I painted the flowers with a soft brush and used dodge and burn to create the faces and the eyes
step 5 of 7
I again painted the daisies using a soft brush and added some dodge and burn for some texture
step 6 of 7
Some hand painted flowers using differing shades of pink
step 7 of 7
Here is the final backdrop assembled and ready for the girl. The leaves for the main plant were created using the shape tool....