A Work in Progress: Nutty Native Tiki Man

This guide was made for entry:
Nutty Native Tiki Man
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 24

Made a 2 color gradient for the sky background, and then used the pen tool w/ a fill to make my volcano ridge

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 1

step 2 of 24

made the stars w/ a 1px and 2 pixel round brushes set at opacity 22-ish percent and for the brighter starts just clicked a bunch of times. Painted a color glow behind the ridge

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 2

step 3 of 24

I took 3 selections of the acorn and warped them to sort of fit over my volcano shapes, and then I selected the volcano shape and reverse selection and deleted what was outside the borders. then I erased 2 parts of the image (where you see the weird round parts)

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 3

step 4 of 24

I used the smudge tool, with a one of PS's texture brushes (pretty small) and blended the volcano ridge together. Then I desaturated the mountains, then used adjust hue to give just the slighted blue tone.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 4

step 5 of 24

I started painting the tree, using a spotty PS brush, just blocking in different colors of green to get the shape.

I made a copy of the mountain layer and messed with colors and put the layer on exclusion mode.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 5

step 6 of 24

more painting for the tree. I was using a very small texture brush at 80-95 % and just scribbled darks/lights and then smudged and scribbled and smudged more over and over.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 6

step 7 of 24

I did a really rough sketch on paper and scanned it in (all the sketches I made in PS looked goofy) here I did a rough placement of where I wanted to paint the tiki man, and I erased a good portion of the white part of the scan.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 7

step 8 of 24

selected parts of acorn and roughly place over sketch, warping and scaling.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 8

step 9 of 24

oops, sorry last step I had painted the clouds. I used a texture brush and a soft round brush and varied the size, very low opacity and slowly built up the colors. (blue/white/pink/orange/yellow)

Tiki head, was two different acorn selections both being warped.

Did start of face w/ pen tool and fill.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 9

step 10 of 24

used pen tool to select the shape of tiki sketch, used it for a selection, and deleted.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 10

step 11 of 24

Made selection of acorn, and warped it over the "ground"

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 11

step 12 of 24

desaturated the ground, did noise filter at a little over 1% and then I blended the ground and volcano w/ smudge tool using a small texture brush setting

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 12

step 13 of 24

I made the spear shaft with the rounded rectangle tool, and then did the spear head w/ the pen tool.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 13

step 14 of 24

started playing with colors painting over the tiki with warm colors and low opacity, and I worked on the tree a long time, painting and blending, started adding the reflection of the colors of the color that are in the sky.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 14

step 15 of 24

worked on the tree more, and I used the rounded rectangle tool to make the torch shape and adjusted it to be thinner at the bottom using transform. I painted the flames with the same spotty texture brush from photoshop, building up colors from dark to light over each other. (reds/orange/yellow)

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 15

step 16 of 24

painted smoke behind flame layer using, dark gray/blue, gray and light gray (low opacity on brush)

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 16

step 17 of 24

used acorn for texture for the torches. warped them, and then used the torch shape I made before to get rid of the excess.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 17

step 18 of 24

adjusted the colors for torches using levels, and painting.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 18

step 19 of 24

used the top portion of the acorn and warped to make skirt. Painted in necklace and tiki and spear ties using a small texture brush at 97%

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 19

step 20 of 24

finished warping the skirt on tiki guy.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 20

step 21 of 24

painted the volcano fire much in the same way as the fire for the torches, only part of it was a large spotted texture brush to make the "Spiting" parts of the fire. Painted the rivulets of lava with small texture brush.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 21

step 22 of 24

painted little skull for necklace.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 22

step 23 of 24

made the face

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 23

step 24 of 24

this step and between this step and the final, is just a LOT of shading/highlighting/ smudging.

I also did the textures on the tree truck, by taking the skirt portion of the tiki that I made from the acorn and used that very small up and down the trunk.

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Step 24

Final result

Creation of Nutty Native Tiki Man: Final Result

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Jbern says:

Very detailed SBS... now im gonna go and try to make fire that good...i'll be back in a few weeks....

(5 years and 3918 days ago)
no avatar
Jbern says:

Very detailed SBS... now im gonna go and try to make fire that good...i'll be back in a few weeks....

(5 years and 3918 days ago)
avatar FairyGardens

fantastic job

(5 years and 3918 days ago)
avatar digitalia
digitalia says:


(5 years and 3918 days ago)
avatar hymerion
hymerion says:

great job!

(5 years and 3912 days ago)
avatar DigitalDreamer

wonderful sbs and job on your tiki creation

(5 years and 3907 days ago)