A Work in Progress: cat's eye

This guide was made for entry:
cat's eye
In Contest:
PXLEyes Logo Contest

step 1 of 6

The pxl logo I made is very simple... No super tricks...

A few easy to read to font and a good lineart XD

Okay first what I did was to type "PXL" and "eyes" in different layers...

The settings are as follow:

For "PXL":
Font: Boi-disc Thin
Size: 36 pts
Horizontal tracking: 175

For "eyes":
Font: Boi-disc Thin
Size: 14
Horizontal tracking: 560

It doesn't matter which type layer is on top of each other...

Creation of cat's eye: Step 1

step 2 of 6

For now, I hide the 2 type layers...

Now I drew a eye( supposedly a cat's eye) with the pen tool and stroke it...

Creation of cat's eye: Step 2

step 3 of 6

Now resizing the eye, duplicating it( also mirroring it) and coloring it...

I get this... Looks cool huh??? =D

Creation of cat's eye: Step 3

step 4 of 6

Now lets make the 2 type layer visible again... Here since the color for the eye and the font are same( font color is #4eb6ff), it's become difficult to read...

So I made a layer beneath "PXL" text layer...

I ctrl-clicked "PXL" type layer to make a selection... Then by going to menu:Select>Modify>Expand, I expanded the selection by 2 px... And then filled the selection with the color white in the "PXL cover" layer...

Did the same thing for eyes...

Creation of cat's eye: Step 4

step 5 of 6

So now it looks a bit better if not good... =P

Now for some final touch...

Creation of cat's eye: Step 5

step 6 of 6

Now made another text layer with word "pxleyes.com"... Did nothing fancy with it...

Type setting are as follow...

Font: Arial
Size: 6 pt
Horizontal Tracking: 490

Color is same as the previous font...

So that's it all there is to it... =)

Well i think logo should be simple, have less color scheme and have impact... >.>

Creation of cat's eye: Step 6

Final result

Creation of cat's eye: Final Result

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