A Work in Progress: Eye Of The Tiger

This guide was made for entry:
Eye Of The Tiger
In Contest:
PXLEyes Logo Contest

step 1 of 9

First created a document of size 300*178( keeping in mind the ratio of 150*89)

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 1

step 2 of 9

Now I selected the eye from the external source... Adjusted the size and cropped it...

I didn't choose both the eyes, because the eyes are far apart and when it's re sized to 150*89 the eyes will become too small...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 2

step 3 of 9

Now with the pen tool i traced the black part... Don't have to be that accurate... Since it will be in the size 150*89...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 3

step 4 of 9

Now right clicking the path, I made the work path into selection... I choose a feather radius of 0 px... I didn't wanted the colors to come blurry at the edges...

I choose a solid color layer... The color of the layer is #009dd9( it's magenta)... The colors come out as per the selection...

Now this is what I got from the black stripes...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 4

step 5 of 9

Now doing the same for the orange and white areas... I get this...

The color I choose for the orange part is just an lighter shade of cyan(#81d3ff)... Okay in step 4 I said I used magenta, sorry it's cyan =P

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 5

step 6 of 9

Now adding some details and correcting some parts... I get this...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 6

step 7 of 9

Now I type in text and rearranging it to make it look good XD

The font for "PXL" and "eyes" is Bio-disc... The font for "pxleyes.com" is Bio-disc thin...

Remember to choose simple and high impact fonts, even Arial font will come out nice if used properly... Avoid fancy or grunge type font, as they become hard to read in small size...

The size of the "PXL", "eyes" and "pxleyes.com" are 26.56 pt, 18 pt and 8 pt respectively... I free transformed "PXL" a bit...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 7

step 8 of 9

Now I made layer "PXL white" below "PXL"... Making a selection of the inside area of "PXL" text... I filled it with white in the "PXL white" layer... This makes the text "PXL" more readable...

Same thing I did for "eyes" layer...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 8

step 9 of 9

And for the finishing touch, I made a white solid layer and masked the edges to give it a border look...

I used color layers, coz at anytime I can change the color by double the color layers and picking a new color... This helps when later you decide to change the colors a bit...

Hope this messy sbs help a bit...

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Step 9

Final result

Creation of Eye Of The Tiger: Final Result

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