I used liquifying wrapping some erasing and used the pen tool.
I used the burn tool to create some dark areas
That's pretty much it.
step 2 of 8
There are 3 seperate layers for the eye.
For both I used the circular shape tool and then wrapped around each of the parts to get a perfect fit. For the skin texture I duplicated the eyelid layer then used special effect brush and added an innerglow to it with an overlay effect.
For the Eyelid
Innerglow-white with an opacity and a contour that's what made the circular part
gradiant overlay
and a stroke
For the Eyeball
I tried alot of differnt things to get it to look this way and this is what came out best, I know there are a lot of effects added.
step 3 of 8
Showing you where I got the parts from so you can get a better idea what I did. I basically selected the part I wanted and wrapped it around the back a little. I liquified the part by it's ear to give it a little ear effect hopefully.
step 4 of 8
I used the wrap tool around the leg, and the liquefy to get it just right
step 5 of 8
Used wrap again and liquefy
step 6 of 8
wrap perspective and a little bit of liquefy
step 7 of 8
liquefy and wrap and I burned under the arm to give some depth