A Work in Progress: Summer time

This guide was made for entry:
Summer time
In Contest:
eightball render

Original image

step 1 of 4

Using the reference picture shape grapes out of the yellow balls. Cut out reflection of the black ball and transform it to stem.

Creation of Summer time: Step 1
sources used for this step:

step 2 of 4

Using burn tool make shadows and add some depth to grapes. Also mask the inner part with some green color.

Creation of Summer time: Step 2

step 3 of 4

Using the reference picture shape a red ball in to a cherry. Again, with some burning and smudging try to make it more realistic. With pen tool shape a stem and fill it with brown color. Ad some shadows on it using burn tool. Duplicate layer, make it a bit smaller and assemble the cherry.

Creation of Summer time: Step 3
sources used for this step:

step 4 of 4

Apply Yellow, Pink, Green gradient to the background and add some shadows at the bottom of the fruit.

Creation of Summer time: Step 4

Final result

Creation of Summer time: Final Result

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