Duplicate the picture twice. Bottom layer stays the same. Middle layer set to screen. Top layer, blur, then set to multiply.
step 3 of 11
Open MJ Ranum's May Queen and isolate her from the background.
If you don't have a DA account, log in with "adult-public" as the user name and "public" as the password. This is temporary and will be taken down after this contest.
Paint the burst behind the bird. Set to overlay or grain merge, whichever works best for you.
step 9 of 11
Color the bird green to match the general green feeling of the rest of the picture. (Yes, I know this isn't true to life, but then we are talking about a Goddess here who has the power to do anything She wants, and if She wants a green bird, She can have one!) ;-)
step 10 of 11
Create the shadow under the Goddess by duplicating Her and turning the layer black. Then, flip it, blur, set to grain merge and lower the opacity.
step 11 of 11
Duplicate the Goddess twice and repeat the same process you used on the background... Bottom layer unchanged. Middle layer set to screen, top layer blurred and set to multiply.