2. Time for the borders and pattern. Drew borders using rectangular marquee tool and paint bucket with orange color. Drew pattern using small hard brush, copy - paste, copy - paste, linked them with thin line, orange as well.
step 3 of 10
3. Took guy's picture and mask him out.
step 4 of 10
4. Duplicated layer with (greek LoL) guy, bottom layer filled with the same orange color. On the top layer I used poster edges (to highlight edges) and photocopy (to simplify image) foreground and background colors shoild be black and orange.
Then standing on the top layer erase all wrinkles, unnecessary and unimportant details
step 5 of 10
5. Created new layer on top and drew hair, beard, eyebrows with soft and hard brushes and black color, also used orange stroke to the hair and beard (by creating a new layer, ctrl+click on the "hair" layer's image to highlight pixels, choose some selection tool, right click on selection and stroke - outside, anout 3-5 pixels).
step 6 of 10
6. Added laurels (thanks to the antikreativ from DA for laurels brushes). Some transform - warp won't hurt!
8. Merge all layers except backgrond, used plastic wrap filter, then reduced it in edit-reduce plastic wrap to 60-70% and some clean up wok for the grapes.
step 9 of 10
9. Added texture some transform were applied.
step 10 of 10
10. Blending mode for the previous texture is overlay ofcourse. Last step created new layer, used render - clouds (black and orange colors) and distort - diffuse glow, reduced it to 50-60% and overlay blending as well.
The end, greek fresco is done!