Added explosions (download some explosion brushes from inet) applied layer effects gradient orange to red and yellow to orange.
step 6 of 9
Created new layer - render clouds with yellow on foregrond and orange on background, duplicated it 2 times, changed blending of the top layer to color burn and opacity to 70%, middle layer to color dodge and same opacity. Played with hue/saturation to give it more "explosive" look! Then merged 3 layers with clouds, copied it 2 times, placed all of them over each explosion and created clipping mask.
step 7 of 9
drew sparks (with sparks brushes=) under explosion layers, applied outer glow and changed blending to luminocity.
step 8 of 9
Took a photo of crushed paper (which you can make the same way i did, all you need is photocamera, sheet of paper, at least 1 free hand and 2-3 minutes of spare time) placed it under the car level, made rough selection using polygonal lasso tool and erased unimportant part.
step 9 of 9
Added greenish outer glow effect to the car and blending mode changed to hard light.
And little cherry on top which you can see in the final result vignette effect (darken edges) toadd some drama to the picture. That's it! Hope you like my entry and tutorial.