Make a levels adjustment, bringing the highlights up and keep the midtones and shadows down to create a mild fill light.
step 2 of 3
This is more like steps 2-5 but they are small: Take the healing brush tool and clean the face of blemishes. Follow this by the liquify tool, adjusting the facial structure to present a slightly more defined jawline. Afterward run the image through the blur surface filter ( duplicate the layer first,) followed by smart blur filter. Add a layer mask to the blur layer and hide the effect on the eyes and bits that should be sharp.
step 3 of 3
Alright last few things, liquify eyebrows give em shape, dodge a portion of the eyes and smudge it in. Repeat the whole blur process in the last section of steps, burn the eyelashes and call it good. This should take much longer than three or four minutes. Oh and of course add your text I used "Riesling" from