First I took an trace of the front avocado with the pen tool and stoked with a 3 px brush of the color #c8c8c1...
step 2 of 15
Now resizing the path and stroking it about 13 to 15 times...
I get this result...
step 3 of 15
Now making criss cross path as to make it look like an spider web and stroked it...
Also deleting some part from the middle I get this...
step 4 of 15
Now I did the base of the avocado...
step 5 of 15
Now doing the same procedure for the whole avocado... I get this wireform like look...
Now it's missing is the grid...
step 6 of 15
Now for the grid... I did the following thing... First I made a new doc bigger than my working doc(2000*1500)...
Also I wanted like 100 grids... Made an another doc of size 20*20 px... I stoked the whole image(20*20) using the layer fx with a 2 px size black with the center position... Then I defined a pattern...
Now back to the big document... Went to channel, made a new channel(named it grid) and filled with the pattern...
Now going back to layer and making a new layer... Now selecting load selection and loading the grid channel...
Select inverse and fill with the color used for grid( in this case #c8c8c1)... Now the grid is ready...
Transferring the grid to my avocado doc... Using perspective( via transform) I get this...
step 7 of 15
Now setting the avocado grid and the plane grid... Cleaning up... I get this...
step 8 of 15
Now putting a avocado layer over the grid and setting it at 50% opacity...
step 9 of 15
Now using the grid as guide... I traced along it, cut and pasted the parts...
Also used warp and sometimes coloring behind the parts layers to give it more a wrapping feel...
I get this...
step 10 of 15
Now adding shadow to each individual parts separately...
step 11 of 15
Now breaking a few more parts of the avocado and breaking a few floor tiles... Adding shadow I get this...
Actually I wanted to submit it this way... But I thought "instead of looking as if it's breaking, why not making in progress?"
step 12 of 15
Now removing the avocado image... I added a panel in the top right hand corner...
Made by the the rounded rectangle tool( set as path), stroking with a light blue color 2 px hard brush...
GAve the layer an layer effect of outer glow...
opacity 76%
spread 5%
size 10 px
step 13 of 15
Now adding a bar inside using a rectangular tool and tweaking it a little... Stroking with a white brush...
step 14 of 15
Now using a green to white linear gradient fill, filled a little part of the bar and shaded with a touch of 20% black brush...
step 15 of 15
Lastly using the "Amiga Forever" font at size 4 pt and a bit darkish green color...