First loaded the image in illustrator and enlarged the image... I used illustrator, coz the text works better in illustrator although using the pen tool here is such a drag...
step 2 of 8
Now with the pen tool, created a path( remember to make stroke and fill to transparent) and clicked at the beginning of the path with the text tool...
step 3 of 8
Now any text you type will follow the path...
step 4 of 8
Now in this way I created text all over reap's face and body...
I used a basic font here "Arial"...
step 5 of 8
Now exported as a jpg... And opened it in ps... I now realized should have saved it as png so I would have the transparency...
But one can also ctrl( or command) select the blue channel... then inverse the selection and fill with black in a new layer( not in the channels)...
step 6 of 8
There is it... Now crtl selecting the whole black line layer... I created the texts in white, red, green and blue...
step 7 of 8
Now hiding all the colors except white and red... white on bottom and red on top, I masked red layer to hide...
Now with a white brush I made some of the red visible... Didn't follow any pattern, just went wild...
step 8 of 8
Now doing the same thing to green and blue layer...