I used the ctrl+shift+I+Del method to cut the wedding dress into the shape of the petals. Every new wedding dress petal has got two layers: one with normal blending mode, the second one with blending mode hard light to pop up shadows.
Added shadows and lights using two separate linear gradient layers. (one from black to transparent on the right side and another one from light yellow to transparent on the left side).
Added stars field and masked different parts as I didn't want for them to overwhelm my image.
Stars field has two layers: one was blending mode color (opacity 69%) to render a slight blue tone to the whole image, and second one blending mode screen (opacity 82%) to give more light to the whole image.
Added a darker gradient map and a brightness/contrast adjustment layer for shadows and highlights and a pink gradient (from left to right) to give a warmer tone to the petals.
I used the healing brush tool and clone stamp tool to cover some really black bits and pieces that I noticed in the middle of the flower and I wasn't very happy with.