ice-creams....cup and cone created by me .liquified the pods to get desired shape and finally changed the hue
step 4 of 9
forth type of candy
step 5 of 9
created the flowers and leaves the same way using liquified effect.drawn the pot and placed all flowers and candies
step 6 of 9
sorry guys this step onwards i have to upload image of small resolution cuz of dial-up.
so moving this step i have added shadows to the candies on floor
step 7 of 9
the background was looking very empty so added few colours.drawn the background differently and then layered it on previous step.blended with little transperency
step 8 of 9
added shadow wherever it was neccesary ,to the flowers,pot,background other candies
step 9 of 9
the vessel/pot holding flowers and candies was looking too blank and plain,so added the text and drawn the ribbon