A Work in Progress: The High Elf

This guide was made for entry:
The High Elf
In Contest:
african man

Original image

step 1 of 7

Duplicate image of African man. Select original. Select Filter>Other>Highpass. I think that I set it to 72.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 1

step 2 of 7

Select Copy layer. Select overlay.

Add vector mask.

Zoom in and focus on eyes. Use eyedropper to choose a light color (grey/blue) from his pupil. Color the entire iris with this color. Then use eye dropper to choose a white or something close to white from his eyeball. Paint his eyeball. Use overlay.

Add a curves layer. Select strong contrast.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 2

step 3 of 7

Use Quick mask by clicking Q to select the tips and edges of one of his ears. Click Q again, CTR/CLK I to invert the selection. Choose Edit>Transform>Warp. Pull the box corners out to shape ears to a point. Repeat on other ear.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 3

step 4 of 7

Two ears.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 4

step 5 of 7

Use Quick mask to warp his hair also.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 5

step 6 of 7

Flatten image. Although, you may have wanted to do that earlier on.

Add a vector mask.

Choose a color of your choice. I chose a woodsey green. Choose a fancy brush to make a design on his forhead. To make a symetric pattern Duplicate the layer and Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal. Do the same for cheek decorations.

Depending on the color you chose and the effect you're going for, Choose a blending style. Overlay is always good.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 6

step 7 of 7

The last thing I did was make use of a photo that was originally a mistake. I coppied and pasted, transformed it to fit and used the vector mask to put it behind the man's face and shoulders. Then I think that I used Hard mix. But that would just depend on what you use for a background.

Creation of The High Elf: Step 7

Final result

Creation of The High Elf: Final Result

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