To create the background, I had to tile the cloud stock image and clone out any harsh lines that would be visible around the man.
step 3 of 12
Man in front of background.
step 4 of 12
Created a curves adjustment layer above the Man's layer. Dragged the curve down slightly to make the image of the man darker. Use the Man's layer as a clipping mask (Alt click the line between the two layer) so that the adjustment is only to the man's image and not the back ground.
step 5 of 12
Gave a mask to the curves adjustment layer. Filled the mask in with white to show the orignal, un-adjusted image. THEN, (on the mask) went over the areas I wanted to darked with a large, soft brush. Since this layer is clipped to the previous layer, I don't have to worry about going outside the lines.
step 6 of 12
Since, the results of the previous step were a little too stark, I duplicated the adustment layer (Ctrl + J), then added a Gaussian Blur to bottom the adjustment layer.
step 7 of 12
Then, I repeated the whole process with another curves adjustment layer. But this time I dragged the curve upwards to lighten the Man's image. Paint over the parts that needed to be highlighted.
step 8 of 12
The background made the image look too color-shifted to me, so I did a little tweaking to adjust the "mood".
step 9 of 12
Next I made a composite layer from all of the existing layers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E). Then ran the Glowing Edges Filter. Duplicated this layer. Set the blend mode to the bottom Glowing Edges to Screen and the top Glowing Edges to Overlay. Then I played with the Opacity settings of both layers.
step 10 of 12
To put the clouds in front of him, I just duplicated the background layer and dragged it to the top of the stack. Set the blend mode to Screen and lowered the Opacity. Then erased the parts I didn't want with a large, soft brush. I lowered the Opacity and the Flow of the Brush alot and often while doing this to get a more random effect.
step 11 of 12
New layer with a dark color (somewhere around 70%-80% grey), Then ran the Radial Blur filter. Offset it, and set the Blend Mode to Screen. Then, used a large, soft brush to mask out the unwanted portion.
step 12 of 12
Erased the unwanted part of the 2 water drop stock photos and set the Blend Mode to Screen. Then copied, transformed, rotated, and placed the pieces as necessary.
You didn't tell me how you did the eyes! And thank you for mentioning the unclip selection so that adjustments don't effect other layers. I didn't know how to do that before.
You didn't tell me how you did the eyes! And thank you for mentioning the unclip selection so that adjustments don't effect other layers. I didn't know how to do that before.
(5 years and 3857 days ago)