This guide was made for entry: Flowers In Contest: pond
Original image
step 1 of 10
First I chopped out one of the green lilies and then liquefied it to start the stem and outer side of the flowers.
step 2 of 10
then here I liquefied it and started the outer side of the flower
step 3 of 10
Next I quick masked the brown log looking thing to make the vase for the flowers
step 4 of 10
Then I liquefied the log to make the shape of a vase
step 5 of 10
Then I used the Filter of the Glass distortion to give the vase a glassy look
step 6 of 10
I wanted to make the vase look like one of those old bottle vases so I used the Hue/Saturation and used colorize to find the right green color that I liked
step 7 of 10
I then chopped out the round brown things in the water to make the inner of the flower and again liquefied it to blend inside the outer flower and used some curves in red to start the color process and the n used the hue and saturation colorized again to a nice pink
step 8 of 10
I then again used the round brown log to start the railing to set on the vase on
step 9 of 10
I then stretched out the log a bit and squashed it and then just duplicated it to set side by side to make a railing then merged them all and used a bit of clone and a tad of burn. And then once I did that I just flipped it up ward after duplication to make the bottom parts of the rails
step 10 of 10
Very last I took and chopped out a bit of the water and used a bit of motion blur with the clouds and then inverted it to make a lighter water color for the background and also a bit of liquefy with twist to make them a bit more rounded, added a nice gradient background and some nice clouds to the background with some cloud brushes