A Work in Progress: Sons of Sun

This guide was made for entry:
Sons of Sun
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 4

increased the canvas size to make it square 2133x2133px.
duplicated the source image and made some adjustments to cover the extra blank area.
1. the fireball making-
with the round marquee tool create a shape and fill the color with black.
2.foreground color- white, background-black
3.then filter>Render>Different Clouds
4.then change levels-0,1.00,112
5.then Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask- amount:230,radius:2.6,threshold:26
6.then Filter>Distort>Spherize
7.then change color balance-
for midtones & shadows:R:100,G:0,B: -100

the fire ball is created.

Creation of Sons of Sun: Step 1

step 2 of 4

now hide the fireball layer.
now add some grey clouds in a new layer.
now some black clouds at the bottom.
now add some grey and black clouds in th middle of the scene. after this my image is this.

Creation of Sons of Sun: Step 2

step 3 of 4

now create a folder, create a copy of the fireball and put it inside the folder. now take a new layer and create th fireball effect again but dont have to do the color balance part. select with marquee the fountain with feather size 10 and goto select >modify>expand -10. then layer>layer mask>reveal selection. wow! done. the fountain portion has come out as a fire fountain. take a new layer and add a glow at the intersection point of the ball and the fountain end point. now a new adjustment layer and put the values of color balance as mentioned in the fireball effect. great snake... we have it.

Creation of Sons of Sun: Step 3

step 4 of 4

now duplicate the whole image and flatten the layers. select the fireball with the flame trail and press ctrl+j. drag this new layer in the original psd file, this becomes the other balls, add some more clouds and gaussian blur effect, voila!!! finished.

Creation of Sons of Sun: Step 4

Final result

Creation of Sons of Sun: Final Result

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