cleared rock away from 'eye,' added 'eye socket' shading
step 3 of 9
accentuated 'nose' -- cleared away more rocks, brush using cloning and healing; added slight shadow under 'nose'
step 4 of 9
shaded bottom half of 'eye' -- added shadow using translucent Multiply layer and color burn
step 5 of 9
cleared staging ground for better contrast -- created mask of background rock & brush area, replaced with sand, added color layer to match surrounding sand hue
step 6 of 9
added blood & shrubs next to 'eye' -- blood was painted onto a Multiply layer using the airbrush set to a low flow rate to control "thickness"; gradient masks faded out the blood trails as they sink into the sand; a Color Burn layer was used to pull out sand detail under the blood trails; 2 px airbrush used to fill in negative space of desert shrubs to show blood on rock behind them
step 7 of 9
isolated vulture using Bézier curves for precision
step 8 of 9
isolated skull using Bézier curves for precision
step 9 of 9
(final image) incorporated vulture and skull -- placed each, resized, blurred to match ambient level of detail, added vulture's shadow, used Color Layer to correct for bluish ambient shadow hue, masked lower half of skull to mimic a partially shattered specimen