A Work in Progress: ...And the Cow Jumped Over The

This guide was made for entry:
...And the Cow Jumped Over The
In Contest:
blue cow

Original image

step 1 of 21

Open image of cow.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 1

step 2 of 21

Select Image>Mode>Grayscale. When it asks if you would like to discard color information, select Discard.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 2

step 3 of 21

Use Quick Mask to mask out the cow. Exit Quick Mask. Select CTRL/SHIFT/I to select inverse.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 3

step 4 of 21

Select CTRL D to deselect the cow. Select Edit>New to start a new image. Return to the image of the cow. Select Edit>Step Forward to reselect the cow.

Select Edit>Copy.

Select the New Document.

Select Edit>Paste.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 4

step 5 of 21

Enter Quick Mask Mode.

Mask the cow's forward leg including shoulder muscle.

Exit Quick Mask Mode.

CTRL/SHIFT/I to invert selection.

Select Edit>Cut.

Create New Layer. Select Edit>Paste.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 5

step 6 of 21

Select Edit>Transform>Rotate on the cow leg layer. Rotate the cow's leg so that it kicks forward.

Select the clone stamp to fill in the hole left by the cow leg.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 6

step 7 of 21

Repeat for the hind leg.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 7

step 8 of 21

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 8

step 9 of 21

Rotate the hind leg so that it kicks backward.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 9

step 10 of 21

Select File>New. Input 3500 pixels wide and 2500 pixels high.

Return to cow image. Drag and drop the cow's body into new image. Drag and drop the cow's legs into the new image.

Exit all images except the new image.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 10

step 11 of 21

Place the cow's legs against his body the way that you would like.

Hide the background layer.

Merge visible.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 11

step 12 of 21

Hide cow layer.

Select a purple color.

Select Gradient tool. Draw a vertical line down the middle of the image.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 12

step 13 of 21

Reveal Cow layer.

Select Edit>Transform>Scale to make the Cow a little smaller.

Open image of the moon. Select the moon. Copy and paste it to the cow image. Place it at the bottom so that only the top 3/4 is showing.

Select a star shaped brush at about 29 pixels. Pain them onto the background layer, and the cow layer streaming from the cow's udders.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 13
sources used for this step:

step 14 of 21

Select Adjustments. Select Contrast/Brightness. Place Contrast at 100 and Brightness at -46.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 14

step 15 of 21

Add a Blue Photo Filter under Adjustments.

Use overlay to blend the moon in with the background. make sure that the moon layer is above the blue photo filter layer.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 15

step 16 of 21

Open image of Clouds. Select desired part of clouds and add them to the bottom of cow image, just under the moon.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 16

step 17 of 21

Select the markings from on the cow using Quick Selection tool. Create a New Layer for each marking. Color it whatever color you wish. Use Overlay to blend the new color with the original marking.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 17

step 18 of 21

Use different size star shaped brushes to paint more stars in different layers. This way, some will be affected by filters and blending.

Use a small, soft, round brush to make shooting stars. If you're using a pen, select the airbrush tool.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 18

step 19 of 21

Select the cow layer. Select Layer>Layer Style>Outer Glow. Increase Size to 300 pixels.

Select Bevel and Emboss.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 19

step 20 of 21

Select a large, round, soft, white brush. Keeping the brush just inside of the cow's edges, paint around the cow. Be carefull to stay inside the lines, allowing only the edges of the brush to go outside the cow.

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 20

step 21 of 21

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Step 21

Final result

Creation of ...And the Cow Jumped Over The: Final Result

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