Select Adjustments. Select Contrast/Brightness. Place Contrast at 100 and Brightness at -46.
step 15 of 21
Add a Blue Photo Filter under Adjustments.
Use overlay to blend the moon in with the background. make sure that the moon layer is above the blue photo filter layer.
step 16 of 21
Open image of Clouds. Select desired part of clouds and add them to the bottom of cow image, just under the moon.
step 17 of 21
Select the markings from on the cow using Quick Selection tool. Create a New Layer for each marking. Color it whatever color you wish. Use Overlay to blend the new color with the original marking.
step 18 of 21
Use different size star shaped brushes to paint more stars in different layers. This way, some will be affected by filters and blending.
Use a small, soft, round brush to make shooting stars. If you're using a pen, select the airbrush tool.
step 19 of 21
Select the cow layer. Select Layer>Layer Style>Outer Glow. Increase Size to 300 pixels.
Select Bevel and Emboss.
step 20 of 21
Select a large, round, soft, white brush. Keeping the brush just inside of the cow's edges, paint around the cow. Be carefull to stay inside the lines, allowing only the edges of the brush to go outside the cow.