I first deleted the flower from the image and covered it up with parts of the lilly pads---cloning.
step 2 of 10
I then added the Edges FX plugin by Medhi (unsure if I am supposed to put a link in for the plugin---loaded it years ago)
step 3 of 10
I gave it a gaussion blur.
step 4 of 10
I then added a new layer and used my "draw" tool and added lines.
step 5 of 10
I copied and pasted the flower as a new layer. I duplicated the layer a few times and added the same plugin, Edges FX to the flowers.
step 6 of 10
I then copied and pasted a lilly pad in as a new layer. I had to give the pad a back end so I cloned parts of the original picture to fill it in.
step 7 of 10
I then duplicated a few more of the flower layers because I decided I wanted more. I selected the lines layer and erased what parts I wanted to make a maze. I added lines to make the exits and entrances.
step 8 of 10
I then added stars with a custom paintbrush.
step 9 of 10
I drew a vertical line (now as a vector) for the exits and entrances.
step 10 of 10
I used my text tool and clicked on the vector line and typed. The text will go in the same direction as your line. I deselected the floating selection and then deleted the vector layer (the line)