First create a box and size it. Apply the material by clicking the M. Next to the "Diffuse" click the first open circle. Then over to the upper right, you'll see the material options. Click the P for picture image texture. Then the top circle above the P, click this and a new dialog box will pop up and you load the source image into the first two boxes. This applies the wood texture to your box. I duplicated, resized and arranged the boxes to make the horse fence.
step 2 of 9
Here is the dialog box to load the source image into to apply the material.
step 3 of 9
For the terrain, I used Spring Wildflowers. I applied Painted Desert to the mountain. I turned off my sky and rendered to see what it would look like so far.
step 4 of 9
I applied Lilacs and Snowpease as the sky and then tweaked the fog and the haze.
step 5 of 9
I added a tree and rocks
step 6 of 9
Then I created a cyclinder, made it positive and then duplicated it and changed that one to negative. I made the duplicate just a bit smaller and a bit taller. I duplicated that one again and made it neutral and made it shorter. I applied the source image (deck) to the first two and applied a water material to the third. I grouped all three and now I had a bucket.
step 7 of 9
I moved the bucket over to the rock and tilted it a bit. I created a circle and flattened it and applied the same water material to it and placed it by the bucket.
step 8 of 9
I added a light and faced it to the fence and came up close so you could see the source image applied as material.
step 9 of 9
I rendered it, saved it as a jpeg and brought it into Paint Shop Pro along with the horse picture. I selected the horse and copied and pasted it as a new layer into the fence image. I added grass using a tube and added the shadow by duplicating the horse layer and bringing the brightness back so it is black. I added a gaussion blur to it and flipped it. I cropped the image to where I wanted.