I started out with a blank canvas. I pasted the bike as a new layer and pasted my photo (selected just the two of us) as a new layer. I resized the bike.
step 2 of 11
I brought the opacity down of my photo and started to erase where the handle bar is so that it is in front of him.
step 3 of 11
I cropped the image and then smoothed the edges.
step 4 of 11
I colorized the bike layer and then my photo layer.
step 5 of 11
I put an elliptical shape in and rotated it.
step 6 of 11
I then used my text tool on the shape so that the text would take the shape of the "shape". I then deleted the vector shape.
step 7 of 11
I then rotated my text layers to where I wanted them.
step 8 of 11
I added a hot pink triangle shape as a vector and edited the nodes.
step 9 of 11
I added a gaussion blur and brought the text layers above the pink.
step 10 of 11
I added shadows to the text and then erased the pink over the handlebar. I didn't like the way the text looked so I then added an innerbevel to them and they became a bit darker and I liked the result.