After cutting out various portions and deciding i didn't like where anything was going, i simply cut the image in half (source image) and started out intended to create a fractal...
step 2 of 7
when i duplicated the half image and flipped it, it started to look like something, so i went with it...
step 3 of 7
I duplicated the layer again and added a heavy blue saturation...
step 4 of 7
I duplicated the saturated layer, added gaussian blyur, and blended with the other layers...
step 5 of 7
i added the trees using the brush set "11 Tree Silhouettes/Vectors" by ~xsy at
added another layer with a round blue fill, masked out a portion, gave an outer glow....
step 7 of 7
and the birds are also from a brush set (yes, i use a lot of brushes for little things cuz it's quick and simple and that's that.)
"Birds" by Obsidian Dawn: