Intensified the color of the water and using the stamp tool took out the building. Used the mountain picture to add a background.
step 2 of 7
Added a wavering cloth on the right and started a robot's leg. Also separated the construction vehicles to preserve their color.
step 3 of 7
Duplicated the leg and used the burn and dodge tool. Created a circle and used the tools to create shade and highlight.
step 4 of 7
Created a pipe leading into the water. Moved the whole robot over. Used circles and added white spots to create bubbles. white and light blue spots around the water to create more life.
step 5 of 7
Created pipes on top of the robot. For the mist, separated a brush. Spread it out in varying values.
step 6 of 7
Copied the legs of the machine and pulled upside. Not shown on this pic but did the same for the mountain. Moved the actual legs behind the sphere.
step 7 of 7
Darkened the machine and blurred the smoke stacks and expanded them alittle.