I masked out a zebra and placed it on the models picture... looking at my layers you can see i had been playing arround with several things before i came to this
step 2 of 10
I lowered the opacity on the zebra layer so i could see the model thru it and with warptool i brought it in the position i wanted it
step 3 of 10
I duplicated the zebra layer and turned it upside down. transformed a selection to cut out a part to create the back of the model.
step 4 of 10
The part of the zebrathat i used to make the backpart for the model
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after warping the back into shapw i had this.
step 6 of 10
I removed some part of a tail from another zebra that stood next to this one to make the skin look nicer. Here on this image you can see that part really well..
step 7 of 10
I used patch tool on the parts where you could see the copy paste lines and made it all nice equal.
step 8 of 10
Here you can see that i finished the whole back part and i had started working on the arm and hand. I used one of the legs from the zebra for the arm...
for the hand i created a different skin for each of the fingers so it wouldnt just look like an overlay.
step 9 of 10
you can still see all the copy paste lines on the arm here too.. they will be all worked away later on with patch tool and a lot of lil copy pasted small parts :)
step 10 of 10
And this is the last sbs image i made.. I kinda forgot making more o.o;
here is a closer look on all the fingers with an overlay blend on the zebra skin layers.. i had merged all the layers before putting the overlay.
the hair was tricky.. i tried several methods but wasnt satisfied with any so i just masked it out the old fashioned way and altho that was very time consuming it worked the best. i duplicated one of those layers with hair n put it on overlay n fiddled arround with some more layers with hair and blending modes.
i duplicated the bodyskin and put the top one on softlight to get a lil rid of the reddish color and the bottom one on overlay..
last but not least i checked all edges and erased all lil parts that i think where needed.. i softened the edges with a soft blur brush and corrected a few more ugly spots on the zebraskin..
the flower i had masked out as well and put that layer on top of the arm so it would not look like i put a skin on that too.