outline front ring of engine, scale step and repeat
step 4 of 10
added bkgd color. outlined back of engine to create body by, once again, scale step and repeat with a slight rotate clockwise as the body got smaller to show a "turn". Than I darkened each one as they got farther back.
Added "membrane" under rings by filling selected area and masking away area over rings.
step 5 of 10
just did color tweaks and took the engine from step, scaled it down to make eyelights
step 6 of 10
made paths for the light beams, filled with color and used an overlay mode for the area above the rings, then duplicated the beams and used a normal mode over the black. also darkened the areas between the beams
step 7 of 10
added a couple more beams in the same manner and brought the color to be uniform across the norwahl. also brushed in intense light in eyes
step 8 of 10
softened all the beams, added natural lighting/shads to the norwhal and added the purple vignette to bkgd
step 9 of 10
created the semi circle(blue) using a scatter brush I created then twirled it. the shape below the norwhal(purple) was a nondescript pink fill that was motion blurred and twirled
step 10 of 10
The shrimp were created by using a scatter brush I created so it would be very random in size and angle. those shrimp were bevel and embossed for depth.
Don't just show pictures, explain how you did things...otherwise a SBS is mostly useless!
(5 years and 3840 days ago)SBS updated. Best I can do for now.
(5 years and 3839 days ago)