Then i removed all the snakes by using the clone stamp, healing tool, patch, and some copy... Pay attention to the legs, arm, and the hand that was missing one finger... i added it by copying and scaled it down a bit...
step 3 of 6
i pasted down the piper on the house background and added the shadow...
step 4 of 6
then i cut the source image using the pen tool. i needed only the shell.
step 5 of 6
then i cut the boa constructor and added it to the image and also added the shaddow.
step 6 of 6
At the end, i added two lines of text. i used filter-distort-wave. and then i flipped one horizontal and put them next to each other. and then i used filter-distort-twirl to make a nice effect. then i rotated it so it looks like it is coming out of the pipe. Added layer blending - color dodge to the text and the end. :D