Used some parts of the hut to make the plane, Lot of warp and transform used to make the parts
step 2 of 7
Used the top of the hut to make the tail
step 3 of 7
Used the long stack to join the wings and to make the front
step 4 of 7
Apply radial blur to the hut to make the propeller, use several radius values with this filter to make the movement effect.
Sorry, I don't have a not blured image
step 5 of 7
Apply color to the plane in a layer in mode "color", use more layers in multiply and overlay mode to apply more color and to make shadows and highlights.
step 6 of 7
Draw a Tippy, as I did with the plane I begun with the silhouette and then I made the shadows in a new layer in multiply mode and the highlights in another layer in overlay mode.
step 7 of 7
Place the background image and chop some huts in it, modify saturation of the background and draw a fire with some smoke