I added the sky to the field image.. i also adjusted the perspective of the sky to make it look more interesting.
step 2 of 8
I matched the colour of the field to the sky, i also added the image of the queen and i matched the colour of her as well. Using the grass brush i applied a layer mask and erased parts of the woman to make it look realistic.
step 3 of 8
These are the parts of the source i used to create the spheres
step 4 of 8
filter - distort - spherize (applied twice)
step 5 of 8
using a radial gradient (i think that's what they're called..hmm) set to hard light i created depth
step 6 of 8
i added them to the image and added shadows
step 7 of 8
using the dodge and burn tools i suggested that the light was coming in from the right