Chose my foreground color (red) and rendered clouds. Adjusted brightness/contrast, then picked single row marquis, transformed it stretching up and down so I had vertical lines.
step 2 of 12
Applied plastic wrap to background. Cut out some of the bottom to give it more of a curtain effect.
step 3 of 12
Used ellipse and pen tool to make spotlights. Added inner shadow and bevel and emboss to "lens"
step 4 of 12
Lighting effects, spotlight, twice.
step 5 of 12
Using marquis added a wood pattern to the lower part. Moved curtain and lights up to make stage.
step 6 of 12
Used pen tool to cut out the pots I wanted. Started to transform them into the sizes I wanted.
step 7 of 12
Using ellipse made heads for the drums. Warped slightly to fit right. Inner shadow to add depth. Line tool to make the stand. Arranged them to look like a drum set.
step 8 of 12
Ellipse and warped rectangle for throne and line tool for stand. Inner shadow to get 3d look. Line tool with gaussian blur for shadow.
step 9 of 12
Ellipse for cymbals, burn and dodge to get middle. Drop shadow for hi hat. Lines for stands and shadows. Again inner shadow.
step 10 of 12
I wanted something for the bass drum, most have some kind of logo. Using pen tool and copy/rotate/transform made a sunburst. Shrunk and masked the extra around the edges. Blurred the bottom few rays to give a more gradual effect.
step 11 of 12
No rock band is complete without a guitar. Pen tool to make the shape and another to make the neck and inner color. Rectangles with bevel and emboss made the keys as well as the "strummer." Circles with bevel and emboss for the knobs. Drop shadow and bevel and emboss to give the whole thing depth.
step 12 of 12
Pen tool to make the stands and shadows. Also to make the mic. Ellipse marquis to mark off the top and add some noise. Arrange everything and do some minor touchups where needed.